
Dentists from Aspen to Rifle to Edwards, Colorado have been buying my new book entitled “Dad, the Tooth Fairy Didn’t Come!” ( .Why dentists? Because they can put the book in their waiting room, or give it to friends or family. One dentist told me that he was going to send the book to his son in Florida because his son is a dentist, and has a son of his own.  So dentists can now celebrate National Children’s Book Week with their own copies of the book.

National Children’s Book Week

It’s National Children’s Book Week, and I’m celebrating. Why? I have 7 children, and I have a children’s book that I wrote and illustrated, and it’s starting to sell and gain momentum.  Who hoo!
I’ve got copies across the U.S., in England, Brazil, Canada, and even Hong Kong.  You can find the book at . I’m about to order the third printing since February, 2010.

Bloggathon 2010

It’s time for the  “Jerry Begly Bloggathon 2010”. Blogarooney. Blogmeister.  Bloggarama. 42 Blog posts. 3 ½ days. One new blog post will be put up every 2 hours. How am I going to do that? Let’s just say that I’m celebrating. If you think I can’t do it, stay tuned…