Speaking of “Yuck!”, check out the website www.yucktruckseptic.com . If my son can make a septic pumping service website look cool, for a really reasonable price, imagine what he can doo doo for you you. (just a little septic humor there, folks). What does a septic pumping service have to do with National Children’s Book Week www.bookweekonline.com? It’s all about reading to kids, expanding their minds, getting them out of the nest , and watching them fly through the world making it a better place for everyone. And we all benefit; from you to me to the guy who works hard at his septic pumping business.
Monthly Archives: May 2010
The Advantages of Reading
Keep going. My oldest son helped me set up our solar and wind power system which powered the building of our house, and the compilation of my new children’s book “Dad, the Tooth Fairy Didn’t Come!” www.jerrybegly.com/tooth. He started his own computer company “Crystal River Computers” at age 15. He builds websites, and repairs all aspects of computers. He is fluent in programming (C++,Visual Basic, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, SQL, Batch Language, Unix, css, xml).This allows him to create websites far superior those webbuilders who use templates. Yuck!
Another Reading Anecdote
My oldest son came roaring in on children’s books at an early age. My wife gets the most credit here, as she spent the most time at home with our kids. More on that later. My son discovered the big, wide world through books, and took off like rocket, devouring anything he could get hands on. At age 10, he put together his Christmas present, a 3 ft. long battleship made out of snap blocks, before midnight. The detailed instruction sheet was over 100 pages long. I was floored. By age 12, he was reading a manuals in bed at night. At age 13, he was researching building materials for me and ordering literally tens of thousands of dollars worth of materials for us to build our chalet with.
The First Fruits of Book Reading
My oldest daughter reaped the first fruit of being read to www.bookweekonline.com . She is now an extremely creative person. She enjoys creative writing, sculpture, painting, and music. She can literally pick up ANY instrument and make something beautiful come out of it within 15 minutes. Try that by spending all your time on a Wii or hanging out at the mall. My daughter loves to read. She is on an accelerated school program, and making leaps and bounds in her education. My oldest daughter is the narrator in my children’s book “Dad, the Tooth Fairy Didn’t Come!” www.jerrybegly.com/tooth . She’s well on her way to an interesting, and fulfilling life.
A Supernova of Benefits
By now, you know how much I am a believer in reading to children. www.bookweekonline.com . The benefits of reading to your own kids . are a little bit like winning the lottery…only better. Let’s start with the obvious and oft stated benefits: Quality family time, making good memories, development of grammar, and even having a child get used to sitting still for periods of time. Let me take you much farther than that. Join my family as we burst out of here with a supernova of benefits from reading to our children…