My Indy Pit Crew

If you’ve never changed a tire on a car, keep on reading…DSCN0531

Recently, my 4 year old son, Josiah, and my 7 year old son, Elijah didn’t just change the tire on my Toyota Camry, they ROTATED  the tires. All four of them. In the same day. With the standard car jack. By hand. (I have air tools, but how ya gonna learn if it’s too easy.)

Those boys are good, too. With both of them standing on the lug wrench, they tightened the wheels almost as tight as dad does by hand.

Alternating lug nut tightening, proper rotation, and car jacking safety. Not “car jacking” like the punks in Florida do, but jacking up the car to change the tires. Those were just a few of the things the boys learned at Dad’s Pit Crew School.

Maybe the best thing they learned was that Dad likes spending time with them.

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