Making Memories with Books

Here’s a dumb story I heard today:  A kid asked his dad if the dad could teach him how to fish.  So the dad went out and bought the boy a fishing video game. I hope you, the reader, aren’t that kind of parent.  Your kids will be grown and out of the house before you know it. As a co-worker once told me about raising children: “The days go too slow, and the years go too fast.”  Put down some memories that your children and grandchildren can reach back into when you’re gone. Reading to a child is one of the easiest and most memorable ways to do that. You can celebrate National Children’s Book Week by going to the library and getting some fun or interesting stuff to read. Or you can order my book “Dad the Tooth Fairy Didn’t Come!” at


Dentists from Aspen to Rifle to Edwards, Colorado have been buying my new book entitled “Dad, the Tooth Fairy Didn’t Come!” ( .Why dentists? Because they can put the book in their waiting room, or give it to friends or family. One dentist told me that he was going to send the book to his son in Florida because his son is a dentist, and has a son of his own.  So dentists can now celebrate National Children’s Book Week with their own copies of the book.