We launched “www.jerrybegly.com” on April 1, 2009. That was no mistake. Yesterday we totaled over 20,000 hits. Wow.
It humbles me to know that more than 10 people enjoy reading my blog. Hopefully, it’s because you can relate a little bit to what’s going on in my posts. Or maybe you are transported to a time or place that you’ve not experienced, and that intrigues you. That’s what writing is supposed to be about.
This site is all about “hitting below the belt.” Here, we get to make up the journalistic rules. I get to call ’em like I see ’em, and I won’t have an editor throw me out of his office like happened at the Aspen Daily News one time. (cartoons that poke fun at gays aren’t tolerated in Aspen).
In sappy dweeb language, I would have to say that Caleb, my Webmaster, and you the reader/subscriber are the last two legs of my three-legged stool of blogdom. Thank you. If you really like a post, send it to a friend and share the irreverence. One of my favorites is “Bugs Bunny and the Mexicans.”
Now let’s get on with the show…