This past weekend, President Obama spoke at Notre Dame, in South Bend, Indiana. Yes, there was a big flap over the fact that he is probably the most pro-fetal murder president we’ve ever had, and he was addressing faculty, students, alumni, parents, and supporters of a large Catholic institution. But what’s the big deal? After all, he’s the first sitting president in the U.S. who was NOT raised in a "Christian" home. So why should Americans expect our President to support ANY Christian values, or beliefs. According to the book on Barack Obama’s religion, he was raised by an Atheist mother, and nominally Muslim stepfather.
Getting back to the flap at hand, neither Barack Hussein Obama, nor any other pro-fetal murder supporters begin to understand the seriousness of their belief. They choose to call it "pro choice" in order to set the terms in their court. The natural opposite of "pro choice" would be "anti choice". The problem with the term "pro choice" is that is lowers human life to the same level as choosing whether or not to buy potatoes, a pair of shoes, or a dog. Since when do humans get to "choose" whether or not and innocent life is terminated? Only in a barbaric culture do they assume the "right" to do that. Note: The words "barbaric" and "Barack" merely sound similiar.
If we have a president who doesn’t mind the idea of deciding whether a person will get to live or not, then I guess Obama wont mind telling us what to drive, what to eat, where to live, how to act and think, how to spend our time, who to contribute to, how our children will be educated, and the list goes on and on. We’ve voted for our nation a man who will be very very involved in our lives-personal as well as public. If you voted for change, we’ve all got it coming. Like it or not.