When you think of the KGB, you might have visions of the Hammer and Sickle. When you think of KGBlend coffee from Daz Bog, you probably don’t think of a hammer and Zip Loc bag.
If you were up with me at 4 am this morning, your would have seen me smacking KGBlend coffee beans with a 16 ounce hammer. The unfortunate beans didn’t have the dignity of spinning around in a coffee grinder (that’s in storage while we build our house). Instead, the beans were dropped into a Zip Loc bag, sealed shut, and pounded for ten minutes with a rubber handled Eastwing.
If I had paid more attention to what coffee bag I was grabbing as I flew down the grocery isle in pseudo-shopping spree winner mode, I would have had an actual cup of coffee this morning.
Instead, I sat in the dark and lingered over a hot cup of “coffee-flavored water beverage.” And that’s after I poured the water back and forth through the strainer 10 times.
If you plan on living 30 miles from the grocery store, I have one piece of advice, buy a bigger hammer.