So I’m reading through the local noosepaper only to discover that our Commander In Chief, Barry, has allowed the Army to burn Bibles. These Bibles were private property of soldiers, paid for by private individuals. Seems that the top brass didn’t like the idea of locals getting the ten commandments in their native tongue.
If the soldiers were giving locals copies of the Koran, would there even be a problem? I think not. We can drop leaflets from the air as part of a propaganda campaign, but a harmless little book is verboten. So the army actually burned the Bibles? The number 451 comes to mind.
As the head of all armed forces, and as a Christian, Barry should have at least set the soldiers straight as to the Army not officially handing out the Bibles. But what you do during your 3 day pass is on your own head. Instead, we have shown the world how politically correct and draconian our leaders are.
It is interesting to contrast our current president with our first president. The famous painting of George Washington kneeling in prayer in the snow at Valley Forge is seen quite often in the circles that I run in. On the other hand, we have a new President who is nominally Christian, nominally Muslim, and absolutely wants the Jews to jump at his command. He allows the burning of the most sacred writings in Christendom. What’s next, telling us what cars to drive? Oh, never mind. He just did that already, today.
It’s going to be hard to keep up with Barry’s fast paced, basketball presidency. Unfortunately, this is one pick-up game that we can’t afford to lose.